Dog-whistling, tuti fruti as a kitten

Tuti’s Blog #53 – Dog-whistling

Dog-whistling – It looks like two more animal person analogies are currently floating around our Deceit of Democracy: ‘Dog-whistle politics’ and ‘Lynton Crosby’s Dead Cat’. The ‘dog-whistle’ tactic is to make a comment, negative in essence, designed to attract that sector of the public who will make a knee-jerk response to any suggestion that confirms their prejudices. The ‘dead cat’ is a noxious comment in debate designed to deflect attention away from a serious issue, which, precisely because it stinks becomes the one widely reported by the dog-whistle media. Are Humans as servile as dog persons? Well, they do share this predilection for mindlessly chasing balls. But I digress – again. Both tactics are morally despicable and bordering on lies, and commonly used by the Bully Boys to denigrate the Opposition. This pit-bullying attack on honest inquiry is a fair indicator of arse-covering: they know that we know that they have made a dog’s dinner of our economy and social fabric, penalising the poor for the crimes of the rich, whilst blaming everyone except themselves for our moribund state of affairs. In my opinion, the offer of an EU referendum is also a ‘dead cat’ – it stinks of political dog-whistling. The Tutankhamun the Third Oracle predicts this Tory Deceit of Democracy will go down in history as the biggest pile of dog poo in living memory…