Pigeon Palette, tuti fruti as a kitten

Tuti’s Blog #55 – Pigeon Palette

Pigeon Palette – I’ve been sitting by the back door watching those plump wood pigeons perched on the fence eyeing the bird seed the old Carer puts out and ‘scoping the garden to see if I am around. NO…O…O! You leave them alone!, she warns. So I have to sit tight, twitching. She says their plumage consists of a palette of 5 or 6 different colour greys, and if or when she gets her hands back she will try to paint them all. Well, as you know, this means nothing to me: Cat persons, we are told, don’t see colours. In any case, we don’t care one way or another about the colour of inedible feathers our palates prefer content to superficial effects.