Packaging, tuti fruti as a kitten

Tuti’s Blog #28 – Packaging

Packaging – Blogging has been a bit difficult as there has been no one to turn on the computer. But here we are, back again. As I was saying before, the old Carer can’t use her hands, which are as useless as my paws at opening ‘packaging’ – the scourge of contemporary urban shopping. Well, I could have told her that! I can’t get my paws on anything these days. How many times have I looked longingly at a vacuum packed tray of lamb chops! Mind you, I can sniff them out when there are some around. And when I am in the old Carer’s room I listen out for the sounds of lamb chops emerging and rush helter-skelter down the stairs to plead for one using my most seductive mew. Alas, there have been no lamb chops since the old Carer’s accident.