Stereotyping, tuti fruti as a kitten

Tuti’s Blog #38 – Stereotyping

Stereotyping – The old Carer has taken to wearing a black scarf tied around her head and mouth as protection from the dust and noxious particles floating around from the builders’ sawing and hammering. The young Carer said she looked like a ‘terrorist’. To be honest, she does looks suspiciously like the scaremongering iconography I see pedalled in the media. (Can you imagine the headlines? ‘Jihadist Spotted on Walworth Road! Old woman wearing hijab, glasses and a sling on her right arm suspected of concealing a Kalashnikov.’) But, sayeth the old Carer, that just shows how you can’t go by appearances and should not fall into the trap of right-wing populist stereotyping – innocent people have been killed over mistaken identity for some culturally demonised ‘other’. She has a few examples at her fingertips, but best not to relate them here. Too many international thought police spying on the Net!!