Hackers and Gossips, tuti fruti as a kitten

Tuti’s Blog #49 – Hackers and Gossips

Hackers and Gossips – I suggested that the Comité might be alarmed at the international comings and goings of our house and may report us for ‘lowering the tone’ of the street. But – Hey! – HOLA! Why should we fret about petty gossips? Well, said the young Carer, don’t underestimate the power of spies. We could suddenly find the thought police knocking at the door demanding to take away our computers. He says her provisional website has already been hacked from Russia and Ukraine, so who knows who is stalking us on the Net. This makes my claws curl! So I shall go and have a good scratch in my litter box to calm down, and hope They don’t take away the old Carer’s computer, as I would be unable to continue my Blog.